The next big step was a home-made 5-band CW-SSB transceiver. I have worked on it for years. Thank you very much to my former girlfriend - my wife! -
for her patience. I've got the DXCC award in 1980 with that RIG (60W into a tribander vertical antenna).
Later I've built a PA with a GK-71 russian tube. Then I upgraded to a Kenwood TS-520SE and later an Icom IC-761 plus a Heathkit SB-220. My first directional antenna was a home-made 2 ele tribander cubical quad, then I changed to a TH3JRS and now a HyGain Explorer 14 on a home-made pole. I am active on CW, SSB and digital modes, such as SSTV, RTTY and FT8.
On contests I used to work on my clubstation HA5KKC also HG5C. We have built a FB contest station outside of the city with 5 towers and big HF antennas.
When I was 50 I've got a surprise gift from my wife: a small allband / allmode Yaesu FT-897. My attention turned to VHF wich was a new world for me. I have made a GI7-b PA and a 3 wavelenght DJ9BV ANTENNA for 2m. Meteorscatter seems to be the only way for me to make 2m QSOs from a low place in the big city surrounded by 10 stories blockhouses.
From 2008 I joined in SOTA.
With an IC-7400 rig and K1JT's WSJT-x I have reached more than 100 DXCC countries on 6m.
I am QRV on 4m
from 2021.
I'm using home-made antennas for 6 and 4m with homebrew rotator.
There are some 63 000 QSOs in my logbook.
I have confirmed contact with all active and some deleted DXCC countries.
That's the story so far. Hamradio is a great fun.
I hope to meet you soon on the air.
73 Viktor HA5LV
P.S.: I am not using the HA QSL buro. All cards sent to the HA bureau for me go unanswered and returned. If you need my card please send your QSL and SAE or SASE to my home address.
Let's QSL via LoTW